Northwest Horticultural Council
Export Manual
The Northwest Horticultural Council (NHC) represents the deciduous tree fruit industry of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington on issues ranging from food safety to international trade access. For more than 50 years, the NHC has provided information on tariff and non-tariff barriers to our fruit exporters.
The NHC annually updates a list of foreign trade priorities it will advocate for on behalf of industry. To view the list of 2024 priorities, click here.
This Export Manual is intended to provide information that might be needed by a person interested in exporting apples, pears, or sweet cherries to selected markets of interest.
To access the NHC’s MRL Database, click here.
The NHC thanks the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) for its help in providing information needed for this publication. Special appreciation goes to the individual officers of FAS stationed in U.S. embassies overseas who provide useful information in response to our frequent inquiries.
In addition, we appreciate the active assistance rendered to the NHC in support of our Export Manual by both the staffs of the Plant Protection and Quarantine division of USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR).
This manual is only intended to be an initial guide to the export trade of specific deciduous tree fruits. Tariff and non-tariff measures can change with great speed and frequency. Commercially important information should be rechecked and verified with knowledgeable parties in the country of interest prior to sales or shipment.
Material changes made to the Export Manual are posted in red for a two-week period following any such change.
The NHC assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions incurred in preparing and publishing this manual. Any errors or omissions noted, or questions or advice related to the manual, should be directed to Riley Bushue, vice president, at 509-453-3193.